Ubuntu install Acer Aspire3 with SSD

When the workspace needed to be moved is always painful. Till you assemble the environment which you get used to precious hours lots but sometimes it cannot be saved. (Especially when an incorrect wire shortens the laptop during development…) So let’s start the Ubuntu install on Aspire3 with SSD.

Our configuration for Ubuntu install was Acer Aspire3 with SSD. This should not be a complicated thing except you run into an issue right at the beginning. When you realize that the hardware is not being detected that’s not a good sign for an easy task. Then comes with the head stretching and using the huge variety of word from Hungarian language to abuse the hardware. Ok it is accepted that under Ubuntu there is no SSD but what happens when we try it with windows? When the answer is yes it means we are dealing with an other wonder of the linux.

After several hours of searching on the Net (the solution was found quickly but the steps we did not gave us the hoped result.) Finally we won and the order was restored in the force.

Steps which helped us to solve the problem:
– There is a hidden menuitem in the BIOS which is reserved for support. This can be enabled with two steps
– We need to set a super user password for the BIOS and we need to restart the computer
– After that we need to press buttons combination CRTL+S which will enable to hidden options
– We need to set here to support the older hw drivers support which is needed for Ubuntu with SSD

We hope if someone struggels with the same issue we could help!

This was the story of  installing Ubuntu on Acer Aspire3 A317 52G laptop with SSD.

Acer Aspire3 A317 52G

LM555 restart module Raspberry PI

In this Blog entry we will introduce a LM555 restart module for Raspberry PI. During our research we found several solutions and from those we selected this one. This does not mean that this is the best / most elegant / simplest solution. On the images you can see the implementation with extra parts, of course you can / should leave out.
Who worked with Raspberry PI knows how painful it could be a power outage which can ruin the content of the SD card. We can easily solve this which cheap UPS modules. What happens if the UPS runs out of juice and our unit it stopped? In case our unit is stopped and the power brick does not supply any power we are good, as if the power comes back the Raspberry will be started just like it was pulled out from the plug. When we use UPS it is unlikely that we use all energy from it as then we would be in the same position as without it. In case we shut down our microcomputer but it still receives power from its power supply then when the power is back it will not start.
On the official forums – thread  you can read that if you shorten Pins 5-6 it will generate a signal which restart the device and it will boot up. Based on our information leaving the Pin 5-6 connected for a longer period does not cause any damage to the unit but we wanted to avoid it anyhow just to be sure. In our solution a relay is used to connect the pins and terminated after 5 seconds which is more then enough for the signal.
On the images below you can see the diagram for the LM555 restart module for Raspberry PI module.
 If needed this circuit can be implemented in a very small area which makes it possible to use many different projects. The circuit stable and with replacing the resistors or modifying the capacitor value the timing can be adjusted for the project needs.
LM555 restart signal generator for Raspberry Pi diagramm
LM555 restart signal generator for Raspberry Pi diagramm
LM555 restart signal generator for Raspberry Pi implementation
LM555 restart signal generator for Raspberry Pi implementation

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